File No. 312.11/306d.

The Secretary of State to Claude E. Guyant, American Consul at Los Mochis.


Board United States transport Buford at San Diego as soon as it arrives. You will primarily act for a time as American Consul at Los Mochis if local conditions permit; you will have to decide on the spot the question of staying or leaving. If the greater part of Americans there come away and if all means of telegraphic communication are interrupted, little would be gained by remaining. But it may be advisable to remain in order to get a comprehensive report as to the nature and extent of American properties, the damage done to them, etc., in the sense of the Department’s circular instruction to consuls in Mexico of March 21.2 On the Buford’s return from the southern ports, it will again touch at Topolobampo. You will then report, with recommendations, upon ways by which communication, particularly telegraphic, can be kept up with the United States, and specifically as to the desirability of establishing special despatch boat service between Topolobampo and Guaymas or Topolobampo and San Diego.

If there is no need of your remaining at Los Mochis, of course the Department would regard it as a great advantage to have you remain with the Buford and make careful report on conditions at all places visited by that vessel.

The foregoing instructions are, of a necessity, general in nature. The Department will therefore have to depend upon your judgment and to rely upon you to decide how best to act.

  1. Printed under “Claims,” p. 959.