File No. 312.11/306e.

The Secretary of State to the American Consul at Hermosillo.1


The U. S. transport Buford sails April 28 from San Francisco to get first-hand information as to conditions affecting Americans and American interests along the west coast of Mexico and to provide a means for bringing to the United States those Americans who wish to leave. The vessel has no offensive character whatsoever, but to avoid misinterpretation among thoughtless Mexicans you will exercise discretion in making the Buford’s mission known to all Americans you can reach. Cooperate in every possible way with officers of the transport, especially in preventing any persons not entitled to this Government’s assistance from embarking.

  1. Same to American Consuls at Mazatlan, Salina Cruz, Manzanillo, and Acapulco. The telegram to the Consul at Mazatlan not delivered owing to interruption of telegraphic communication.