File No. 611.3731/13.

The American Minister to the Secretary of State.

No. 626.]

Sir: I have the honor to report that Messrs. Quesada and Zayas, respectively ministers at Berlin and Brussels, have been delegated to represent Cuba at the sugar convention which will meet in Brussels in a few days.

In conversation this morning, Señor Sanguily, the Cuban secretary of state, referred again to the request made early in January (dispatch No. 550) for information as to our views in regard to a change in the Cuban duty on sugars. A bill to change these duties, is now under consideration in Congress, and was discussed yesterday in the Senate without any vote being taken. Señor Sanguily is very anxious to learn our views before definite action is taken by Congress, in order to avoid possible future complications. The secretary is anxious to effect some arrangement by which other (European and eventually Asiatic) markets may be opened to Cuban sugar, or to bring about a revision of the reciprocity agreement with the United States through which sugar and tobacco would be benefited and the former freed from the domination of the trust. Under the circumstances I have the honor to renew my request for telegraphic instructions in the premises as soon as practicable.

I have, etc.,

John B. Jackson.