File No. 711.1215/204.
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador of Great Britain.
Washington, December 24, 1910.
Excellency: Referring to this Department’s note of December 5 last, relating to the convention of June 24, 1910, between the United States and Mexico for the arbitration of their difference with respect to the international title of the so-called Chamizal tract, I have the honor to inclose herewith two copies of the convention. It will be observed that article 2 reads in part as follows:
The difference as to the international title of the Chamizal tract shall be again referred to the International Boundary Commission, which shall be enlarged by the addition, for the purpose of the consideration and decision of the aforesaid difference only, of a third commissioner, who shall preside over the deliberations of the commission. This commissioner shall be a Canadian jurist and shall be selected by the two Governments by common accord, or, failing such agreement, by the Government of Canada, which shall be requested to designate him. No decision of the commission shall be perfectly valid unless the commission shall have been fully constituted by the three members who compose it.
It gives me pleasure to inform you that in accordance with the provisions of this article, the United States and Mexico have agreed to request the Hon. Eugene LaFleur, of Montreal, Canada, to act as the third commissioner to preside over the deliberations of the commission during consideration and decision of the Chamizal case, in accordance with the terms of the convention. The Department accordingly requests the good offices of the embassy in laying this matter before Mr. LaFleur and ascertaining whether he is disposed to act as third commissioner under the terms of the convention. It will be observed from the supplementary protocol of December 5, two copies of which are inclosed, that the dates specified by article 5 of the convention of June 24, 1910, have been changed so that the date for the presentation of the respective cases and documentary evidence is fixed for February 15, 1911; the date for the presentation of the countercases and evidence is fixed for April 15, 1911; and the date for the first session of the commission is fixed for May 15, 1911. By article 3 of the convention it is provided that the decision shall be rendered within 30 days after the close of the hearings.
The Governments of the United States and of Mexico will, of course, be glad to give further information with regard to the matter, which may be desired by Mr. LaFleur before he gives his decision as to whether or not he is disposed to accept the designation which the two Governments have united in tendering. An identic note in this sense is being addressed to you at the same time by the Mexican Embassy in this city.
I have [etc.],