The American Minister to the President of Costa Rica.
San José, Costa Rica, December 22, 1910.
My Esteemed Friend: I have the honor to acknowledge your, favor of the 21st alluding to another edifice for the Central American Court of Justice. Although strictly speaking I have no direct connection with the matter, under dates of October 24, 27, and 31 I am informed by my Government of the desire of Mr. Carnegie to rebuild under somewhat different conditions. First, he desires a location elsewhere, preferably I presume at San José; second, he proposes to have his own architect and superintendent of construction, who will be instructed to produce a building as near earthquake proof as is possible. I presume that the funds will be available whenever the arrangement can be made for change of location and I agree with your excellency that your Government shall propose the necessary modification or the treaty in the proximate Central American Conference which is to meet in January at Guatemala. You are at liberty to make use of the information contained in Mr. Carnegie’s letters to my Government. Permit me to suggest also that it seems to me the building at the east end of the National Park, where it would be an ornament to the city and add to the attraction of the park itself. By so doing, the total amount contributed by Mr. Carnegie can be devoted to construction. The property now at Cartago might also be sold and added to the amount. However, these are informal views of my own.
Having observed recently on the part of the San José local press a disposition to depreciate the value of this court and to discredit its action, I may be permitted to state that my Government values he court as a necessity to the security of Central American international peace. I shall send a copy of your excellency’s letter and my reply thereto to my Government by next mail.
Will your excellency kindly inform me of the exact amount remaining from this fund in the hands of your Government at this date, a matter upon which Mr. Carnegie will desire to be accurately informed.
With assurances [etc.].