File No. 893.3311/19.

The Acting Secretary of State to Rear Admiral Ching.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 24th instant, in’ which you advised the department that the Imperial Chinese cruiser Hai Chi was to sail for Habana on the following day.

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It is with great satisfaction that I receive the expression of your appreciation of the hospitality and courtesy extended to you by the United States Government and its officers, and I have taken pleasure in forwarding a copy of your letter to the Secretary of the Navy. I desire to assure you that it has afforded equal satisfaction to this Government and its officers to have had the opportunity afforded by the visit of the Hai Chi under the command of so distinguished an officer of the Imperial Chinese Navy to testify the cordial regard ever entertained by the Government of the United States for the ancient Empire of China.

Regretting that your inability to make at Washington a personal call of farewell deprived me of the pleasure of again meeting you,

I have, etc.,

Huntington Wilson.