File No. 812.00/1335.
The Attorney General to
the Secretary of State.
of the Attorney General,
Washington, D. C., April
15, 1911.
Sir: I beg to inclose herewith copies of two
telegrams received from the United States attorney for the district of
Arizona this morning with regard to the situation at Agua Prieta.
The United States
Attorney to the Attorney
[Inclosure 1.]
Bisbee, Ariz., April 14, 1911.
Rebels still in possession custom port Agua Prieta. Have appointed
collector of customs and demanded payment of duties to him. Are such
payments legal? Rebel commander advised me this morning they would
make every effort to hold port for recognition as belligerents. Wire
[Page 458]
[Inclosure 2.]
Authentic information shows rebels engaged federals so that latter
necessarily-fired in line with Douglas; several shells struck
buildings in Douglas and one American citizen killed while
performing his duties as brakeman in Douglas; another probably
fatally injured under identical conditions; twelve others sightly
injured. Others, running from Agua Prieta toward boundary, fired on;
firing repeated even after they had lain down, waving handkerchiefs.
Rebels reenforced to-day; important battle expected. I think our
Douglas detachment should be strongly reenforced. Commanding officer
Goujot and I have warned rebels in Agua Prieta that recurrence of
firing across line will mean serious trouble with American