File No. 812.00/781.
The Acting Secretary of
State to the Governor of
Washington, February 14,
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your telegram of the 13th
instant, referred to the Department by the President. The complaint made
by Gen. Torres against the alleged violation of neutrality laws will be
promptly investigated by the proper Federal authorities and I shall be
glad to inform you of the result.
Washington, February 18,
In further reply to your telegram of the 13th instant relative to the
complaint of Gen. Torres, I have the honor to inform you of the
receipt by the War Department of a telegram from the commanding
officer of the United States troops at Calexico, reporting:
With my permission and under an armed cavalry escort Simon
Bertholdt, unarmed, was brought from border to cavalry camp
last Saturday. This was clone to enable me to personally
explain to him my orders covering enforcement of neutrality
laws. After 10 minutes conversation he was escorted back to
the boundary. Leyva has never openly crossed boundary and
Bertholdt only once, as described. Report about open
purchase of cartridges and supplies here absolutely false.
No arms or supplies are reaching insurgents from United
States unless they are smuggling over border. I am making
every effort to prevent smuggling.