File No. 812.00/516.

The American Ambassador to the President of Mexico.

My Dear Mr. President: Referring to the conversation I had with you this morning I have the honor to request you, if it lies within your power, to bring to an end the present stand of the newspaper El Pais, on account of the publication of articles of an incendiary and violent character, the object of which is to disturb the happy relations existing between the United States and Mexico.

I beg to accompany this letter with a clipping from El Pais of yesterday morning,1 which will give you an idea of the character of statements made by that paper.

I also beg to call your attention to the fact that the Diario Del Hogar, which was prohibited from being published by an order of court, is still appearing and is publishing extremely dangerous articles. I beg of you, Mr. President, to allow me to request that the same energetic action be taken with this newspaper as is taken with El Pais.

Sincerely, your friend [etc.],

Henry Lane Wilson.
  1. Not printed.