File No. 765.67/131a.
It is desired that you send one copy to each of the American consular
officers in Italy.
By the President of the United States of
a proclamation.
Whereas a state of war unhappily exists between the Kingdom of Italy
on the one side and the Ottoman Empire on the other side; and
Whereas the United States are on terms of friendship and amity with
both the contending powers and with the people inhabiting their
several dominions; and
Whereas in the state of war thus unhappily existing the United
States, looking to both parties for the appropriate reciprocal
treatment toward the United States and toward all persons owing
allegiance to them, are resolved to maintain and enforce in
accordance with the rules and principles governing the rights and
duties of neutrals in international warfare a strict and impartial
neutrality between the aforesaid contending powers, as well as
between themselves and the subjects of each, whether resident within
the jurisdiction of the United States or elsewhere,
Now, therefore, I, William Howard Taft, President of the United
States, do, in order that strict and impartial neutrality may be
observed in the premises, enjoin all persons owing allegiance to the
United States, as well as all other persons within the jurisdiction
of the United States, to obey in letter and spirit the laws, rules,
and principles governing the conduct of neutrals in time of
international conflict as such laws, rules, and principles are
prescribed by the statutes of the United States, by the treaties and
international conventions which have been signed, ratified, and
proclaimed by the Government of the United States and by the
recognized customs of nations;
And I do hereby give notice and warning that all persons within the
jurisdiction of the United States who may misconduct themselves in
the premises will do so at their peril and will be subject to the
strict and impartial enforcement of the penalties imposed by the
laws, rules, and principles involved; and that all persons owing
allegiance to the United States and so misconducting themselves
outside the jurisdiction of the United States can in nowise obtain
any protection from the Government of the United States against the
appropriate legal consequences of their misconduct.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of
the United States to be affixed.
[seal.] Done
at the city of Washington
twenty-fourth day of October, in the year of our Lord one
thousand nine hundred and eleven, and of the independence of
the United States of America the one hundred and
Wm. H. Taft.
By the President:
P. C.
Secretary of