File No. 815.00/792.


No. 51.]

Sir: Referring to my No. 47 of the 28th ultimo, I have the honor to report that from the instructions sent by Gen. Bonilla to Gen. Ramon Octavio Marin, chief of the insurgent forces, it appears that it was planned to take possession of the railroad which extends from [Page 292] Pimienta to Puerto Cortes. From the letter of Gen. Marin to Gen. Bonilla it appears that the assistance of a number of Americans was expected; that the delivery of the railroad telephone line was arranged for and the use of several locomotives. The railroad is leased and operated by Americans. This, together with suspicions aroused before the movement, will explain the arrest of Americans connected with the railway. The Government has proceeded deliberately and calmly and has shown the best disposition toward foreigners. The Government has consulted me and invited suggestions as to the most desirable procedure in connection with suspected Americans who had been arrested.

I have, etc.,

Fenton R. McCreery.