File No. 841.001.G29/66.

The British Ambassador to the Secretary of State.

No. 168.]

Sir: I have the honor, under instructions from His Majesty’s principal secretary of state for foreign affairs, to transmit to you herewith a letter addressed by His Majesty the King to the President of the United States of America in answer to letters from the President delivered to His Majesty by the Hon. John Hays Hammond on the occasion of his coronation.

I venture to request you to be so good as to cause the letter to be delivered, to its high destination.

A copy of His Majesty’s letter is also inclosed.

I have, etc.,

James Bryce.

His Majesty King George V to the President.

George, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas King, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India, &c.

To the President of the United States of America, sendeth greeting:

Our Good Friend: We have received from the hands of the Hon. John Hays Hammond, the letter which you addressed to us on the 12th day of May last, and in which you convey to us your cordial congratulations and good wishes on the occasion of our coronation and that of our beloved consort.

We request you to accept our warmest thanks for this token of friendship and regard, which we have received with the greatest pleasure, and we desire also to thank you for the presence at our court of the distinguished representative who has been specially accredited to us in honor of this occasion.

We cordially reciprocate the sentiments of friendship and good will which you are pleased to express on our behalf, while we assure you of our hearty wishes for your personal welfare and prosperity and that of the great Republic over which you preside.

And so we commend you to the protection of the Almighty.

Given at our court at Dublin Castle, the 10th day of July, one thousand nine hundred and eleven, in the second year of our reign.

Your good friend,

George R. I.

E. Grey.