File No. 722.2315/563.
The American Ambassador to Brazil to the Secretary of State.
Petropolis, April 13, 1911.
Mr. Dudley acknowledges Department’s April 8, which was repeated from Buenos Aires, and says he has been informed by the Brazilian minister for foreign affairs that the Department’s memorandum which was sent to him by the Brazilian chargé is entirely acceptable to his Government with the exception of the suggested participation of Colombia. The Brazilian minister points out that since the recent secret treaty between Colombia and Ecuador there has been no territory in dispute between these countries, that the division line as determined by the treaty is known to him, and that the execution of the treaty has become an open secret. He proposes, therefore, that the mediators formally ascertain from Colombia and Ecuador the line of division agreed upon, and that thereafter Peru deal separately with them touching the territory claimed by each adversely to her. Mr. Dudley adds that the minister expressed the opinion that tripartite discussion by the three republics would prove interminable and recalled that Brazil could not consistently favor such procedure in view of her insistence with Peru and Bolivia upon settling one at, a time her disputes with them regarding identical territory.
Note.—At this point the first paragraph of the extract from the Message, read on May 3 to the Congress, of the President of Brazil may be consulted (see Brazil); and that of the President of Argentina, read May 12 (see Argentina).