File No. 4832.

The Secretary of State to the Brazilian Minister at Caracas.

Sir: The mission of Special Commissioner Buchanan having been successfully concluded by the signature of a protocol in adjustment of the difficulties between the United States and Venezuela, with a favorable prospect of an early resumption of American diplomatic representation at Caracas, it affords me pleasure to express the cordial appreciation of the Government of the United States for your friendly representation, with the consent of your Government, of the interests of the United States in Venezuela during the cessation of diplomatic relations between the two countries, and also for your friendly assistance to Mr. Buchanan during his recent stay in Caracas.

The Government of the United States has been highly gratified at the efficiency and fidelity which have marked your charge, and its cordial thanks are extended to you for the zeal, intelligence, and ability which you have displayed in looking after its interests.

In making this known to you, I beg to assure you of my personal good wishes for your welfare.

I have, etc.,

Robert Bacon.