File No. 18150/2.
The Secretary of State to Ambassador Leishman.
Washington, March 19, 1909.
Sir: The department recently had occasion to address the Turkish ambassador at Washington concerning the refusal of the Turkish consul general at New York to visé the passport of a naturalized American citizen of Turkish birth.
In his reply, dated February 24, 1909, the ambassador states as follows:
As your excellency is aware, every Ottoman subject who wishes to change his nationality must first comply with certain provisions in force in the Empire; the established rules also require that an Ottoman subject who, after fulfilling all the formalities prescribed to that effect, shall have changed his nationality shall formally engage never to return to Turkey, and, in the event of his returning, not to avail himself of his foreign nationality and to agree to receiving the same treatment as an Ottoman subject.
In your No. 785, of September 28 last,1 you reported that “the establishment of constitutional government in Turkey removes the restrictions against free travel and renders it possible for everyone to emigrate or immigrate at pleasure.”
The department would be pleased to have you report to what extent, if any, the removal affects the status upon the return to Turkey on visits of former Turkish subjects who emigrated under the old regime and have acquired foreign nationality.
I am, etc.,