File No. 48/100A.
The Secretary of State to Minister Ide.
Washington, August 6, 1909.
Mr. Knox refers to department’s telegram of April 30 relative to the tariff act approved by the President on August 5, 1909, requiring that notice be given of the termination of all commercial agreements entered into under section 3 of the tariff act of July 24, 1897, and instructs Mr. Ide, by direction of the President, to give notice to the Spanish Government as of date August 7 of the intention of the Government of the United States to terminate one year from the date of this notice, namely, on August 7, 1910, the commercial agreements concluded between the United States and Spain on August 1, 1906, and February 20, 1909. Mr. Knox adds that the Spanish legation in Washington was to-day given formal notice of this intention.