File No. 11274/3.

The Spanish Minister to the Secretary of State.


Mr. Secretary: Upon leaving Madrid to return to this city I was specially directed by my Government to negotiate with the United States Government for the purpose of securing an extension, for a reasonable period of time, of the benefits granted to Spain by the treaty of Paris.

These negotiations have already been begun by Mr. Pastor in my absence, but as no answer has been received to the note of October 30 last written by the chargé d’affaires for this purpose, I take the liberty of calling your excellency’s attention to the subject and of asking you to state whether these wishes have been favorably received by the Federal Government; and if so, what are its intention in this important matter, Spain being willing, in return for this favorable treatment which she asks, to grant other advantages to the products of the Philippine Archipelago. I avail, etc.,

R. Piña y Millet.