File No. 13934/4.

Minister Dodge to the Secretary of State.

No. 85.]
Salvadorean Series.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose to you herewith a copy and English translation which I have had made of a treaty of commerce between El Salvador and the German Empire, which was signed at this capital on April 14 last, as well as the text and an English translation of notes, dated April 14 last, exchanged between the acting minister for foreign affairs and the German minister at this capital, relating to this treaty.

I also inclose a copy and English translation of the act of the National Assembly of El Salvador, ratifying this treaty and the notes relating to it.

By the treaty mentioned, El Salvador and the German Empire accord to one another in commercial, maritime, and consular matters most-favored-nation treatment, excepting only the other countries of Central America. By the exchange of notes it is agreed that intervention by the respective diplomatic representatives in either country shall be limited to cases generally recognized as proper for diplomatic action by most civilized nations. The ratification by the German Empire of this treaty has not yet been received.

I have, etc.,

H. Percival Dodge.

I desire to add to the foregoing dispatch that the provisions in regard to the intervention of diplomatic representatives contained in the notes mentioned above, exchanged between the Salvadorian Government and the German minister, are in compliance with article 6 of the act of the Assembly of Salvador approved April 13 last, a copy and translation of which accompanied Mr. Gregory’s dispatch No. 77 of the 21st ultimo.1 According to this act such a provision as this must appear in all treaties of commerce entered into by El Salvador.

H. P. Dodge.
[Inclosure 1—Translation.]

Treaty of commerce between El Salvador and Germany.

His Excellency the President of the Republic of El Salvador and His Majesty the German Emperor, King of Prussia, in the name of the German Empire, animated by the desire to preserve the relations of good harmony, happily existing between the Republic of El Salvador and the German Empire and to encourage commerce between both countries, have resolved to conclude to this end a Treaty and have designated for that purpose:

His Excellency the President of the Republic of El Salvador: Senor Doctor Salvador Rodriguez Gonzales, Minister for Foreign Affairs;

[Page 532]

His Majesty the German Emperor, King of Prussia; Count Uric von Schwerin, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary near the Republic of El Salvador, who have agreed on the following articles:

Article I.

The contracting parties agree to concede reciprocally the most-favored-nation treatment in commercial, maritime, and consular matters; and accordingly any right, privilege or favor one of them may grant to a third nation will ipso facto be granted to the other contracting party.

Article II.

Any right, privilege, or favor which El Salvador has conceded or will concede in the future to the other Republics of Central America or to any one thereof will not be understood as conceded to the German Empire in accordance with the provisions of Article I, unless the same has been granted to a third nation.

Artice III.

The present treaty shall be ratified and the ratifications exchanged at the earliest possible date.

This treaty shall remain in force for ten years beginning on the date of the exchange of the ratifications and unless one of the contracting parties twelve months before the termination of this period has declared to the other its intention of denouncing this treaty, it shall continue in force for one year more and so on successively for one year more until the aforementioned declaration is made.

In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the present treaty and have affixed thereunto their respective seals.

Salvador Rodriguez G.

[Inclosure 2—Translation.]

The Under Secretary for Foreign Relations of Salvador to the German Minister.

Having considered the foregoing treaty of commerce concluded in San Salvador the 14th instant between Señor Dr. Salvador Rodriguez G., minister for foreign affairs, duly authorized by this Government, and his excellency Count Ulric von Schwerin, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of Germany in this Republic, on the part of His Majesty the German Emperor, King of Prussia, consisting of a preamble and three articles, and finding it in accordance with the instructions given for that purpose to said Señor Dr. Rodriguez G., the executive power decrees: The approval of the same in all its parts and submits the same to the National Assembly for its constitutional ratification.

(Signed by the President.)
The Undersecretary for Foreign Relations,
[Inclosure 3—Translation.]

The German Minister to the Minister for Foreign Relations of Salvador.

Mr. Minister: Having agreed to-day upon a treaty of commerce between the German Empire and the Republic of Salvador, I have the honor, in the name of the Imeprial Government, to confirm to the Government of the Republic of El Salvador the following: [Page 533]

“The contracting parties are in accord that, for the exercise of diplomatic protection in case the aforementioned treaty of commerce becomes effective and during its duration, the principles set forth in Article XVIII, paragraph 2, of the German-Mexican treaty of commerce of December 5, 1882, shall be applicable.”

I have the pleasure, etc.,

[Inclosure 4—Translation.]

The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Salvador to the German Minister.

Mr. Minister: I have the honor of receiving your excellency’s note dated to-day, in which you have been good enough to inform me that, having agreed to a treaty of commerce between the German Empire and the Republic of El Salvador, your excellency confirms, by order of the Imperial Government, to the Government of the Republic of El Salvador the following:

“The contracting parties are in accord that, for the exercise of diplomatic protection in case the aforementioned treaty of commerce becomes effective and during its duration, the principles set forth in Article XVIII, paragraph 2, the German-Mexican treaty of commerce of December 5, 1882, shall be applicable.”

This declaration being entirely in accord with the agreement made with your excellency in our verbal conferences, my Government takes note of this, accepting in this respect the stipulation contained in Article XVIII, paragraph 2, of the treaty concluded between Germany and Mexico.

I renew, etc.,

Salvador Rodriguez Gonzales.