File No. 17984/1.
Chargé Schuyler to
the Secretary of State.
American Embassy,
Petersburg, January 25,
No. 403.]
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a
translation of a circular just received from the imperial ministry for
foreign affairs, concerning the admission of foreign subjects to the
Russian possessions in central Asia.
The foreign office requests that as much publicity as possible may be
given to this circular in order to avoid inconvenience to travelers in
those regions.
Attention is drawn to the fact that at least three weeks’ notice must be
given before the arrival of foreigners at the frontier of Russian
central Asia.
I have, etc.,
[Page 527]
Petersburg, January 9,
No. 162.]
Note verbale.
Conforming to the existing rule, the entrance of foreigners into the
Russian possessions in central Asia is theoretically forbidden.
Exceptions to this rule are nevertheless admitted and authorizations
regarding them can be delivered in each special case to foreigners
who wish to visit these Provinces and who petition the Imperial
Government to this effect through their diplomatic representatives
in St. Petersburg.
Although this is the only proper method to obtain access to the
districts in question, it sometimes happens that persons, ignoring
this rule, travel directly to central Asia, where the local
authorities, acting in strict conformity with the prescription of
the law, are obliged to forbid them the continuation of their
journey. The frequency of these cases has considerably augmented
during the last few months, and it is obvious that the unexpected
interruptions cause the travelers in question losses of both time
and money, which are sometimes considerable. Their forced detention
by the authorities becomes the cause of complaints which are devoid
of all foundation, considering that the local authorities are merely
acting in accordance with their instructions.
As a consequence, the imperial ministry for foreign affairs considers
it its duty to beg the embassy to take the necessary steps in order
that the above-mentioned regulations may be given as great publicity
as possible, in the interest of those travelers who wish to visit
the Russian possessions in central Asia, and in order to do away in
the future with the inconveniences which result from their
revolutionary infraction of the law.
The ministry has the honor to add that in the case where these rules
concerning the admission of foreigners to the Provinces in question
are not observed by travelers the Imperial Government disclaims all
responsibility regarding delays and losses sustained by the former.
Added to this the ministry thinks itself obliged to particularly
call the attention of the embassy to the absolute necessity of
formulating its requests for authorizations in sufficient time, and
in any case not later than three weeks before the projected date of
the traveler’s arrival in central Asia, as the correspondence on
this subject with the proper authorities necessitates a certain
length of time.