File No. 10901/59.

The Russian Chargé to the Secretary of State.

No. 472.]

Mr. Secretary of State: Referring to your note of yesterday, by which your excellency advised me that you had directed the termination of the present procedure for the extradition of Jan Janoff Pouren, without prejudice to the right of the Imperial Government to reopen the case, I have the honor to request your excellency to be good enough to direct that a new certificate be issued to me, in conformity with Article VII of the Russian-American extradition treaty of 1887, stating that a request for the extradition of the person above mentioned has been made of the Federal Government by the Imperial Government. The crimes of which Pouren is accused and for which his extradition is asked are murder, arson, burglary, and attempt to commit murder.

I avail, etc.,

B. Kroupensky.