File No. 5931/472.

Chargé de Billier to the Secretary of State.

No. 205.]

Sir: I have the honor to report that a force of revolutionists under the Separdar, eluding the royalist forces posted to check their advance, rushed the Yusufabad gate early in the morning of July 13 and took possession of the city. There was little resistance, the greater part of the Persian Cossacks having been sent to reinforce the troops interposed between the city and the advancing forces of the Separdar and the Bakhtiari. July 14 the royalists shelled the city, directing their fire at the Mosque, headquarters of the Bakhtiari. July 15 the shell fire was light and little damage resulted, but there was continual street fighting. The portion of the brigade of Persian Cossacks, under Col. Liakhoff, in the city, maintained their position in their barracks with small loss, but relief was impossible. The Shah took asylum at 9 o’clock a.m., July 16, in the Russian legation at Zetquendeh and was placed under the protection of both the Russian and British flags. Later in the day the Vary ad was proclaimed Shah by the revolutionists. July 17 the Shah formally abdicated in favor of the Valyad, the Crown Prince. It is considered probable that the ex-Shah will shortly be removed to the Crimea.

I have, etc.,

Frederick de Billier.