Consul Moffat to the Secretary of State.


Mr. Moffatt reports that the provisional government was established on the 10th, with Juan Estrada, governor of this State, as Provisional President Republic of Nicaragua. He says that the, change was effected through the entire territory of State of Zelaya and Cape Gracias without difficulty, or the firing of a shot; that the entire population is jubilant at the overthrow of the Zelaya control on the coast and are in anticipation of very great prosperity; and that the foreign business interests are enthusiastic. He says leaders will immediately strike clown Managua Government; that troops will proceed to interior to-day; that overthrow of Zelaya appears absolutely assured, and that it is intended later to separate Republic of Nicaragua, consolidating Pacific Coast States into a separate Republic, both Republics to be under the control of the conservative party. Mr. Moffatt adds that immediate reduction tariff is assured; also the annulment of all concessions not owned by foreigners. He says new Government here is friendly to American interests and is progressive; that the new President has granted him recognition; has formed new cabinet; and has sent him assurances in writing friendship American Government.