File No. 20292/44.

The Acting Secretary of State to Ambassador Thompson.

No. 787.]

Sir: Referring to the department’s telegram of the 30th ultimo I inclose herewith, for your information, a revised copy of the toast which President Taft will offer to the health of the President of Mexico at the banquet in Juarez.

I am, etc.,

Alvey A. Adee.

toast of the president of the united states.

Responding as befits the cordiality of this auspicious occasion, I rise to express, in the name and on behalf of the people of the United States, their profound admiration and high esteem for the great, illustrious, and patriotic President of the Republic of Mexico. I also take this occasion to pronounce the hearty sentiments of friendship and accord with which my countrymen regard the Mexican people.

Your excellency, I have left the United States and set foot in your great and prosperous country to emphasize the more these high sentiments and to evidence the feeling of brotherly neighborhood which exists between our two great nations.

The people of the United States respect and honor the Mexicans for their patriotic devotion, their will, energy, and for their steady advance in industrial development and moral happiness.

The aims and ideals of our two nations are identical, their sympathy mutual and lasting, and the world has become assured of a vast neutral zone of peace, in which the controlling aspiration of either nation is individual human happiness.

I drink to my friend, the President of this great Republic, to his continued long life and happiness, and to the never-ending bond of mutual sympathy between Mexico and the United States.