File No. 16948/21.
The Secretary of State to Ambassador Thompson.
Washington, April 7, 1909.
Replying to Ambassador Thompson’s telegram of the 9th instant, Mr. Knox says that the United States regularly rearrests fugitives on same charge as that first preferred in cases where papers are not presented within detention period. Says this is not extension of 40–day period, but rearrest on same charge and beginning of new period. States that this was done for Mexico in case of an American citizen, George Dearing Reed, and in the case of Matus Bros., and that Mexican Government had taken equivalent action in the past. Calls attention to cases of Gabriel Morales and Alberto Cabrera and especially to embassy’s telegram of August 24, 1907,1 regarding latter. Mr. Knox says unless in such cases as that of Rodriguez, it is possible either to rearrest or take some equivalent action, the extradition of criminals will be seriously hampered, and adds that the matter is one of grave concern.
- Not printed.↩