File No. 6775/622.

The Secretary of the First Central American Conference to the Secretary of State.


I have the high honor to inform your excellency that on this day, at 10 a.m., there was opened in this capital the First Central American Conference, in accordance with the provisions of the treaties of Washington, and that there were present thereat Messrs. General Don Enrique Ariz, delegate of Guatemala; Dr. Don Santiago I. Barberena, delegate of Salvador; Dr. Alberto A. Rodriguez, delegate of Honduras; Dr. Don Diego Robles, acting delegate of Costa Rica; and Don Horacio Aguirre Munoz, delegate of Nicaragua; and elections for president and secretary were instantly proceeded with, resulting in the choice of Sr. Dr. Don Santiago I. Berberena for the first office, and for the second of the undersigned, who, with assurances of distinguished consideration, has the pleasure of subscribing himself,

Your respectful servant,

H. Aguirre Munoz.