File No. 18942/28–32.

The Secretary of State to Minister Heimké.

No. 95.]

Sir: Referring to your telegram of the 7th ultimo,1 to your dispatch No. 220, of the 6th ultimo, and to the department’s No. 88, in reply, of the 24th ultimo, approving your conduct in the matter of the removal of Col. García from the office of jefe político and comandante de armas at Livingston, and referring also to your No. 222, of the 7th ultimo, in which you report that the removal of García was made without friction, and that you will continue to give your attention to the arrest and punishment of the murderers of William Wright, I have now to say that in case the new prefect should not take steps at once to secure the apprehension and punishment of the parties responsible for the death of Wright, you will again bring that matter to the attention of the proper Guatemalan authorities, and you will insist that appropriate action be taken looking toward the arrest and adequate punishment of the murderers.

I am, etc.,

Huntington Wilson.
  1. Not printed.