File No. 697/54–55.

Minister Moses to the Secretary of State.

No. 37—Greek series.]

Sir: Referring to your instruction No. 4, of June 18 ultimo (file No. 697/43), I have the honor to report that, having called the matter to the attention of the Greek Government, I have received from the minister for foreign affairs a communication upon the subject, a copy of which, with translation, is inclosed herewith.

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The assurances of the Greek Government on this subject have been promptly forthcoming and are seemingly complete and satisfactory. It is to be hoped that this will serve to put an end to the complaints which have hitherto arisen in this connection.

I have, etc.,

Geo. H. Moses.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs to Minister Moses.

Mr. Minister: Taking note of the steps which you have taken with me toward the suppression of the abuse of the American flag by its display over the saloons and wineshops at the Piraeus, I hasten to bring to your knowledge that the director of police of the neighboring city has received orders to exercise strict watch and prevent the abuse in question.

K. B. Mavromichalis.