File No. 14040/3–4.
The Acting Secretary of State to Chargé Wilson.
Washington, June 30, 1908.
Sir: I have to inform you that the President has issued his warrant authorizing Rocco Cavone to take into custody Vito Damiano, alias Rocco Morello, a fugitive from the justice of the United States, charged with murder, who is believed to have taken refuge in the Argentine Republic and is to be surrendered to the competent authorities of the State of New York.
The President’s warrant, together with a certified copy of the papers in the case, has been handed to the agent, who, upon his [Page 14] arrival in the Argentine Republic, will communicate with you. The certificate of the department will require authentication by you.
You will formally request the extradition of the fugitive in pursuance of treaty stipulations.
I am, etc.,