File No. 5315/305.

The British Ambassador to the Secretary of State.

Dear Mr. Secretary: I have just received from His Majesty’s Government a dispatch which I hasten to communicate to you. They wish your Government to understand that they should very gladly recognize American cooperation in the matter of the Hankow-Szechuen loan, if the agreement which has been already concluded in China and now awaits only the requisite imperial sanction be not endangered and if the protest lodged by your Government on the subject is waived and arrangements of a satisfactory nature are made between United States financial houses and the European financial groups that are concerned. The British group, however, state that [Page 164] no person entitled to represent the American banks has arrived in London, and that accordingly there is no person with whom they can communicate in the matter. Messrs. J. P. Morgan & Co.’s London branch say that they have no information.

I shall be greatly obliged if you can let me have your view at as early a moment as possible.

Believe, etc.,

James Bryce.