Extract from the work entitled “Latest compilation of Spanish laws, directed to be made by Don Carlos IV.”

Law III.

D. Carlos III by royal decree of April 2, 1767:

Banishment of the regulars of the Society of Jesus from all the dominions of Spain and the Indies, and the taking possession of their temporalities.

Being in accord with the views of my royal council in the extraordinary session called as a result of past events, and set forth in the [Page 450] report of January 29, 1767, and with the opinion which persons of the highest standing and recognized experience have expressed which conform to said report—impelled by gravest motives concerning the duty imposed upon me to maintain my people in peace, tranquillity, and justice—and for other argent, right, and necessary causes, touching which I reserve comment:

In virtue of the supreme economic authority vested in me by the Almighty for the protection of my subjects and to insure the respect due my crown, I have determined to order the banishment from all my dominions in Spain, the Indiea, and the Philippines, and other adjacent islands of the Regulars of the Society of Jesus—both priests and lay friars—who have taken their first vows, and novitiates who should wish to follow them; and the taking possession of all the temporalities of the society in my dominions.

For the uniform execution of these orders, I have given full and special instructions and powers to the president of my council by another royal decree of the 27th of February, with authority to immediately proceed to take the necessary action.

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5. I further direct that the taking possession of the temporalities of the society is to include the effects and property, real and personal, or the ecclesiastical revenues which lawfully belong to it within the Kingdom, without prejudice to the trusts imposed by the “founders and to the maintenance of the members, which shall be $100 for the priests during their lifetime and $90 for the lay friars, payable out of the general assets obtained from the property of the society.

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8. With regard to the administration and proper application of the property of the society for pious purposes, such as the endowment of

Eoor parishes, colleges, houses of mercy, and other pious objects, after earing from the ordinary clergy concerning what may be necessary and proper, I reserve individually the adoption of appropriate measures, without true piety being in any way defrauded or the public cause or rights of third parties being injured.