Office of Indian Affairs,
Washington, Sept. 9, 1902.
The honorable the Secretary of the Interior.
Sir: Referring to office report of yesterday’s date, in response to the inquiry of the Department of State, as to whether there are any Indians m certain Western States who are not “Christianized,” or who are still free from obedience to the State authorities, I have the honor to state that the data respecting the States of Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington were inadvertently omitted from said report.
The Indians who are still free from State control in Nevada are those of the Pyramid Lake, Walker River, and Western Shoshone reservations; in the State of Utah, those of the Uintah Reservation, and in the State of Washington the Indians of the Columbia and Spokan reservations, under the Colville Agency. The Indians of Oregon are all under the jurisdiction of that State.
This office has no definite information that the Indians of said States are or are not “Christianized.”
It is requested that this statement be transmitted to the Secretary of State to be regarded as supplemental to the statement contained in office report of the 8th instant.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
September 9, 1902.
I certify that W. A. Jones, who signed the foregoing communication, was at the time of such signing Commissioner-of Indian Affairs.
8147. Commr. Ind. Affrs., Sept. 9, 1902. Submits supplemental report rel. Inds. who are not Christianized or who are still free from State control in certain Western States. 1 incl.