Office of Indian Affairs,
Washington, September 8, 1902.
Refer in reply to the following: Land 50909—1902. Special.
The honorable the Secretary of the Interior.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt, by Department reference for immediate consideration and report, of a communication dated August 23, 1902, from the Secretary of State, setting forth that in accordance with Article IV of the protocol of agreement between the Republic of Mexico and the United States, for the settlement of certain questions raised in respect to the claim known as the Pious Fund of the Californias, signed on May 22, 1902, the Mexican Government has called upon the Department of State for a statement as to “whether it is true that there are Indians who are not Christianized or who are still free from obedience to the authorities of the State of California.”
The Secretary of State requests that such a statement be furnished to his Department for communication to the Mexican Government as speedily as possible, and that if the statement be made by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs his official character should be certified to under the seal of the Interior Department.
By the term “not Christianized” is understood by this office to mean those Indians of California and their descendants who were not brought under the charge of the Franciscan fathers at or near the missions from and after 1769, the date of the founding of the Mission of San Diego de Alcala, at Diego, by Father Junipero. These Indians are to this day designated as “Mission Indians,” though in an official sense that designation is now applied only to the descendants of the fission Indians living in Southern California.
The words Indians “who are still free from obedience to the authorities of the State of California” are presumed to mean Indians who are residing on Indian reservations within the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States.
[Page 427]The Mission Indians are probably all “Christianized,” but with the exception of a few bands are occupying tribal reservations over which the State of California does not exercise jurisdiction. The bands not subject to State control are as follows:
San Manuel (P.).
Twenty-nine Palms (P.).
Eamona (P.).
Mesa Grande (P.).
Inaja (P.).
La Posta (P.).
Manzanita (P.).
Laguna (P.).
Campo (P.).
Cuyapipe (P.).
San Pasqual.
San Jacinto.
Aqua Caliente (P.).
Los Coyotes.
Augustine (P.).
Santa Rosa.
Santa Ysabel (P.).
Cabezon (P.).
Tule River.
The reservations marked “P.” have been patented as “reservations” to the Indian bands or villages under the provisions of section 3 of the act of January 12, 1891. (26 Stats., 712.)
The Indians of the Hoopa Valley Reservation are not “Christianized” so far as this office is aware, and are still free from State control.
The Indians of the Round Valley Agency are not known to be “Christianized.” Having been given allotments of land in severalty, they are, by the act of February 8, 1887 (24Stats., 388), declared to be citizens of the United States and subject to all the laws of the State. They are therefore no longer free from obedience to the State authorities.
Since the foregoing was prepared this office received, by Department reference, a communication dated September 3, 1902, from the Acting Secretary of State, transmitting a copy of a cablegram dated September 2, 1902, from Mr. Ralston, agent and counsel of the United States in the matter of the arbitration of the Pious Fund claim, calling for information of the same character for the States of California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Utah, as well as for the last three reports of this office. Mr. Ralston desires that the information reach him at The Hague by September 20, 1902.
The information respecting the State of California being hereinbefore given, the other States will be taken up in their order.
Coeur d’Alene Reservation.— De Smet Mission (Roman Catholic) established under authority of act of March 3, 1891 (26 Stats., 1029). No statistics that Indians are Christianized.” Indians are not under jurisdiction of State.
Fort Hall Reservation.—No Roman Catholic missions established. Reservation to be allotted and surplus lands opened to settlement under agreement of March 3, 1891, ratified by the act of June 6, 1900 (31 Stats., 672), when the Indians will fall under the jurisdiction of the State.
Lapwai (Nez Pereés) Reservation.—Roman Catholic mission school established in 1860. No statistics as to “Christianizing” of Indians who are under jurisdiction of State.
Lemhi Reservation.—No Roman Catholic institutions established, Indians not under jurisdiction of State.
[Page 428]montana.
Blackfeet Reservation.— Roman Catholic schools established in 1889 and 1894. No data as to Indians being “Christianized.” Indians are under exclusive jurisdiction of United States.
Crow Reservation.—Roman Catholic missions and schools established in 1886, 1888, 1890, 1891, 1894, and 1895. Not known if Indians are “Christianized.” When allotments now being made shall have been completed the Indians will become citizens and be subject to the laws of the State.
Fort Belknap Reservation.— Roman Catholic church and school established in 1887. No record as to Indians being “Christianized.” Indians not under control of State.
Port Peck Reservation.—Roman Catholic (Jesuit) mission and church established in 1900. No statistics as to “Christianization” of Indians, who are under exclusive jurisdiction of the United States.
Jocko (Flathead) Reservation.— St. Ignatius (Roman Catholic) mission established in 1854. No date as to “Christianization.” Indians not under jurisdiction of State.
The Indians of the Yuma reservation, California, may possibly be regardedas “Christianized,” inasmuch as a branch of the Roman Catholic Sisterhood for years had charge of the Indian school there. They are not subject to State control.
The communications from the Acting Secretary of State are herewith returned, with a copy of this report and copies of the annual reports of this office for the years 1899, 1900, and 1901. The annual report for 1902 has not as yet been submitted to the Department.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
September 8, 1902.
I certify that W. A. Jones, who signed the forgoing communication, was, at the time of such signing, Commissioner of Indian Affairs.
Reports on request of State Department relative to Indians of certain States who are not christianized or who are still free from State control.
4 incls.