Exhibit No. 3.—J. W. G.
Our most Holy (Father and) Lord, Pius, by the Divine Grace Pontifex Maximus, the ninth of that title, through me, the undersigned secretary of the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, having fully heard and weighed all those matters which the Right Reverend and the Most Reverend Archbishop of San Francisco and Bishop of Grass Valley, on the one part, and the Right Reverend Bishop of Monterey and Los Angeles, on the other, had brought before him with regard to the repartition of certain sums of money which [Page 425] were to be paid by the Mexican Government to the aforesaid three dioceses in the ecclesiastical province of Upper California, according to the arbitral sentence given by the judges who had been named by the Mexican Government and that of the United States of North America.
Decreed that the aforesaid repartition should be made as follows, namely: That there having been deducted from the whole sum the expenses of the suit and the sum of $26,000 to be paid to the family of Aguirre (since it is plainly evident that such a sum is due to the aforesaid family), and payment having been made of $24,000 to the Right Reverend the Archbishop of Oregon for the missions of the ecclesiastical province of that name, and the Vicariate Apostolic of Idaho, and $40,000 to the Fathers of the Order of St. Farncis and the Fathers of the Society of Jesus, to be equally divided between them; of the remaining sum there shall be taken seven equal parts, of which one shall remain perpetually assigned to the missions of the Territory of Utah, and the remaining six shall be divided equally between the three above-named bishoprics of the ecclesiastical province of San Francisco, they being strictly charged upon their conscience to invest the same monies, upon their reception, in favor of the church as safely and as usefully as may be.
His Holiness decreed at the same time that all parties having interests in the matter should thoroughly acquiesce in this repartition so made.
- Alex. Card. Franchi, Praef.
- J. B. Agnozzi, Sect.