Mr. Hay to Mr. Leishman.
Washington, January 11, 1902.
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of Mr. Eddy’s dispatch, No. 117 A, of the 15th ultimo, reporting that Rev. George Washburn, -president of Robert College, had just returned to Constantinople from [Page 1018] Sofia, whither he had gone in the hope of being able to lend his aid to effect the release of Miss Stone. With Mr. Eddy’s dispatch is a memorandum by Dr. Washburn, giving the conclusions at which he arrived after a careful and exhaustive investigation by him of the case.
Referring to Mr. Eddy’s statement that it seems to be the sentiment of all his colleagues that the United States should now obtain the additional £10,000 required by the brigands, I have to say that the Department has not that additional sum, nor is it disposed to advise Miss Stone’s friends to raise it, even if they seemed able and willing to do so.
I am, etc.,