Mr. Sickles to Mr. Hay.

No. 662.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith a copy, together with a translation, of a note that has been received from the ministry of state in connection with the taking of oath of His Majesty King Alfonso XIII, informing this legation in official form of that act.

I have, etc.,

Stanton Sickles.

The Duke of Almodóvar del Rio to Mr. Sickles.

My Dear Sir: It is with extreme satisfaction that I announce to you that His Majesty the King my august sovereign, who has arrived at his majority, has just taken oath to the constitution of the state in the form prescribed by the fundamental law of Spain, and that the Spanish Monarchy reigns from to-day.

In giving you official news of such a memorable and happy event, I repeat the assurance, etc.

The Duke of Almodóvar del Rio.