Mr. Townsend to Mr. Hay.

No. 166.]

Sir: Referring to my dispatch No. 165 of November 19 last, I have the honor to inform the Department that, in addition to my personal visit to the minister for foreign, affairs to offer congratulations on the escape of the King from the attempt upon his life, I wrote to the minister to the same effect.

I have received from the minister for foreign affairs a reply to my letter of congratulation, a copy and translation of which is herewith transmitted.

I have, etc.,

Lawrence Townsend.

Baron de Favereau to Mr. Townsend.

Mr. Minister: In your letter of November 19 your excellency was kind enough to inform me that you had been requested to have transmitted to the King, my august sovereign, the sincere congratulations of the President and people of the United States by reason of his having happily escaped from harm.

His Majesty was much touched by this kind message, and he has requested me to have recourse to the obliging medium of your excellency in order to transmit to their respective objects the expression of his sincere thanks.

Please accept, etc.,

De Favereau.