Mr. Townsend to Mr. Hay.
Brussels, November 15, 1902.
Sir: I have the honor to confirm my cablegram of this day.
I regret to inform the Department that an attempt has just been made upon the life of the King.
As the King, members of the Royal family, and corps diplomatic were to-day driving away from the cathedral, after the memorial funeral service for the late Queen, a man in the crowd fired two shots from a revolver directed toward the closed carriage in which the King-was seated, fortunately without inflicting any injury. It is reported that one of the shots narrowly escaped striking the Princess Clementine, who was seated in the carriage directly behind the King’s.
I have called upon the minister for foreign affairs to express my horror at this dastardly attempt upon the King’s life and congratulations that his life has been providentially spared.
I have, etc.,