Mr. Hill to Mr. de Azpiroz.
Washington, February 6, 1902.
Excellency: I have the honor to advise you that upon a request made by the minister of the United States at Vienna, in a dispatcha dated the 18th ultimo, the collector of customs at Galveston, Tex., has been directed to facilitate the landing and delivery of the remains of Don José de Teresa y Miranda, late minister of Mexico to Austria-Hungary, on their arrival at that port by the steamship Rieslau on or about the 10th instant.
The collector of customs at New York has also been instructed to extend the usual courtesies to Madame de Teresa on her arrival there by the steamship Kronprinz Wilhelm, on or about the 21st instant, accompanied by her family, and to admit her baggage to free entry without examination.
Accept, etc.,
Acting Secretary.