Mr. de Azjriroz to Mr. Hay.

No. 261.]

Most Excellent Sir: I had the honor, in the early days of April last, orally to advise you that I had received instructions of my Government to come to an agreement with you respecting the conditions and wording of the usual protocol for the submission to the decision of the Permanent Court of Arbitration of The Hague of the claim of the Roman Catholic Church of Upper California against Mexico, for the proceeds of one-half of the so-called Pious Fund of the Californias which are alleged to be due since the 2d of February, 1869. You were pleased to tell me that you would invite me to a conference that would be held on your receiving from the solicitor of your Department the draft of convention which he had been instructed to prepare.

I received last evening a telegram in which the secretary of foreign relations of my Government urges me to endeavor to perfect the said protocol in time for its being laid before the Mexican Senate for its [Page 783] approval during the present session, which will come to an end on the last day of this month.

I hasten to bring these latest instructions to your knowledge for such action as you may be pleased to take.

I have the honor to renew to you, etc.,

M. de Azpiroz.