Mr. Buck to Mr. Hay.
Tokyo, August 18, 1902.
Sir: Referring to the telegraphic instruction of date of January 18 last directing me to officially suggest to the Japanese Government the arbitration of the “house-tax” question, in the event the representatives of other powers did so, and to try to have the suspension of enforced collection of the tax continued pending arbitration, efforts to accomplish which, on the Government proposing to submit the question to arbitration as they did on March 14 last, having been unsuccessful then, I now have the honor to report that I have the assurance of the minister for foreign affairs that as soon as the articles of arbitration agreed upon are signed by all the parties, the terms of which were stated in my dispatch No. 671 of the 15th instant, the further collection of the house tax will be suspended pending the decision of the arbitral court. I have, etc.,