Mr. Buck to Mr. Hay.
Tokyo, February 3, 1902.
Sir: Referring to my dispatch No. 616 of the 20th ultimo, respecting the “house tax” matter, in which dispatch I made mention of having called a meeting of my colleagues who were interested in the subject on behalf of their nationals, I have the honor to report that on the 22d ultimo the British, French, German, Russian, and Netherlands ministers met at this legation, and upon full discussion it was concluded that no further official action upon the subject of the tax could well be taken for the present.
As only the British minister and I had, as yet, been authorized to officially suggest arbitration, and only in conjunction with others whose nationals were interested in the question, it was concluded that it was best, before doing so, to await instructions to our colleagues from their Governments.
As to the matter of obtaining extension of time for enforcing payment of the tax, pending instructions to my colleagues respecting arbitration it was thought useless, because of the fact that postponement from time to time had been granted, and there was no additional reason to urge it further. However, I have since informally discussed the matter with the minister for foreign affairs, and distraint of property for nonpayment of tax, which was supposed to begin on the 25th ultimo, has not yet been actually enforced.
I have, etc.,