Mr. Raikes to Mr. Hay.

No. 278.]

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that Mr. Raikes duly brought to the knowledge of His Majesty’s principal secretary of state for foreign affairs the purport of your note, No. 2538, of the 4th ultimo, in which you were good enough to state that, in accordance with the wish expressed by His Majesty’s Government, instructions had been sent to Mr. William R. Sorsby, the newly appointed minister of the United States at La Paz, to use his good offices on behalf of British subjects in Bolivia, with the consent of the Government of that Republic, until the appointment there of a representative of His Majesty.

I am now instructed by the Marquis of Lansdowne to convey to your Government the thanks of His Majesty’s Government for their courtesy in this matter.

I have, etc.,

Arthur S. Raikes.