Mr. Choate to Mr. Hay.

No. 868.]

Sir: With reference to your instruction No. 911, of May 9, relative to the representation of the United States at Sofia I have the honor to inclose herewith a copy of my note to the foreign office of the 23d ultimo and Lord Lansdowne’s reply thereto, dated the 31st ultimo, in which his lordship states that he will have much pleasure in instructing His Majesty’s agent and consul-general at Sofia to take charge temporarily of American interests in Bulgaria, and that he will be authorized to communicate with the Secretary of State at Washington and the United States minister at Constantinople whenever he may consider it desirable to do so.

I have, etc.,

Joseph H. Choate.
[Inclosure 1.]

[Mr. White to Lord Lansdowne.]

My Lord: With reference to Mr. White’s note of October 14 last, expressing the great pleasure with which my Government recognized the valuable aid courteously extended by His Majesty’s agency at Sofia and informing your lordship that arrangements had been made for the appointment as American agent at that capital of Mr. Charles M. Dickinson, consul-general at Constantinople, I now have the honor to acquaint you that the Bulgarian Government appears to be disinclined to receive Mr. Dickinson unless the agency at Sofia be separated from the consulate-general at Constantinople, which of course can only be done by Congress.

In view of the fact that until Congress takes action in the matter the United States has no representative in Bulgaria, I am directed by my Government to ask your lordship to be so good as to instruct Mr. Elliot to take charge of the interests of my Government, as before, until other arrangements shall be made for our direct representation there. If it should be the pleasure of His Majesty’s Government to comply with this request, it is the hope of my Government that Mr. Elliot will communicate freely with the Secretary of State and with the American minister at Constantinople on all matters in respect to which he may require to do so.

I nave, etc.,

Henry White.
[Page 523]
[Inclosure 2.]

Lord Lansdowne to Mr. Choate.

Your Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your excellency’s note of the 23d instant relative to the representation of the United States at Sofia.

In compliance with the request of the United States Government I shall have much pleasure in instructing His Majesty’s agent and consul-general in that capital to take charge temporarily of American interests in Bulgaria, and I will authorize him to communicate with the Secretary of State at Washington and with the United States minister at Constantinople whenever he may consider it desirable to do so.

I have, etc.,
