Mr. Hay to Mr.
Department of State,
Washington, January 3,
No. 25.]
Sir: I inclose for investigation and
appropriate action a copy of a letter from which it appears that a man
named Kristof, an American citizen, is being compelled to perform
military service in the army of Austria-Hungary.
His certificate of naturalization is also inclosed, and it has been
suggested to Mr. Klein to advise Kristof to address you.
I am, etc.,
Mr. Klein to
the Secretary of State.
Yonkers, N. Y., December 28, 1901.
Sir: Your obedient servant requests kindly
to be informed what steps to take to have an American citizen of the
United States released who went to Hungary to be cured, and was
taken as soldier by the Government of Hungary, and is still serving.
Herewith I respectfully beg to inclose his naturalization papers. He
has failed to have a passport issued, being that he was so sick that
the doctor advised him to leave with the first steamer sailing from
this port. The name of the citizen is Kristof, but, as shown in the
naturalization papers, his name was misspelled (Kistof). His present
address, where he camps, is Joseph Kristof, Company 4, Sixty-seventh
Regiment, Eperjes, Hungary, Co. Saros.
Awaiting your kind instructions, I am, etc.,