Mr. White to Mr. Hay.
London, November 6, 1901.
Sir: With reference to Mr. Hill’s instruction No. 749, of October 22, I have the honor to inform you that I have been several times informed by officials of the foreign and war offices that the refusal of His Majesty’s Government to release prisoners of war, except in cases of serious or dangerous illness, as set forth in Lord Lansdowne’s memorandum of the 26th ultimo, forwarded in my dispatch No. 692, of the 28th ultimo, applies to those detained in any part of the British dominions, as well as in Ceylon. In accordance with Mr. Hill’s instructions, I have, however, addressed a note to the Marquis of Lansdowne, asking whether the request for Mr. Molloy’s release can not be granted, and in any case, that I may be informed as to his whereabouts.
I have, etc.,