Mr. Adee to Mr. White.

No. 1394.]

Sir: Your No. 2033, of the 12th instant, regarding the question of the expulsion from Germany of naturalized American citizens of Germany origin, has been received.

Your action in again bringing the matter to the attention of the German foreign office has the Department’s approval. You should lose no suitable opportunity to press and to emphasize the considerations which you advanced in your interview with. Dr. Von Mühlberg. The essence of the right of expulsion which the German States claim is that it should be reasonably and justly applied in cases obviously calling for so extreme a measure. Expulsion should not be invoked indiscriminately, so as to operate as a deterrent to the exercise of the rights of expatriation and acquisition of new allegiance granted under the naturalization treaties, or so as to neutralize, by indirection, treatment stipulated thereafter regarding the recognition of the new national character.

I am, etc.,

Alvey A. Adee,
Acting Secretary.