Mr. Porter to Mr. Hay.

No. 969.]

Sir: I duly received your dispatchc of February 3, inclosing a copy of a memorandum which had been telegraphed to our representatives at Pekin and St. Petersburg, regarding Russian negotiations with China to secure extensive concessions in Manchuria.

I gave a copy, as directed, to Mr. Delcassé, who appeared not to have received information of any steps on the part of Russia looking to a departure from the principle of the open door and equal treatment in China to all commercial nations. He said in all his talks and communications with officials of the Russian Government there had been repeated declarations made regarding that country’s determination to maintain the policy of the open door and to adhere to the previously expressed intention to withdraw from Manchuria as soon as it could safely be done. I do not give his exact words, but it is evident that he believes in the good faith of Russia regarding these matters. He did not say whether he knew any of the details regarding negotiations looking to exclusive concessions.

I have, etc.,

Horace Porter.
  1. Printed page 275.