Mr. Adee to Mr.
Department of State,
Washington, August 14,
No. 60.]
Sir: Referring to the Department’s No. 57, of
the 12th ultimo, I inclose a copy of a letter from Hon. C. B. Landis,
with inclosure, relating further to the attempt of the Sterling Remedy
Company to establish itself in Vienna.
I am, etc.,
Alvey A. Adee,
Acting Secretary.
[Page 39]
Mr. Landis to
Mr. Hill.
Delphi, Ind., August 11, 1902.
Dear Mr. Hill: I transmit herewith a letter
in the matter which I referred to you recently relative to the
Sterling Remedy Company’s attempt to establish itself in Vienna.
Kindly make it a part of the papers.
Very truly, yours,
Sterling Remedy
Company to Mr. Landis.
Kramer, Ind., August 9, 1902.
Sir: I have a letter from our agent at
Vienna in which he expresses the desire to have his name given to
our officials, so that, if possible, he may appear before the proper
authorities in Vienna in connection with the investigation of our
claim of discrimination against American pharmaceuticals. The name
of our agent is M. Kris, Alte, K. K. Feld-Apotheke, Wien, I.,
Stephansplatz 8.
Mr. Kris is the manager of a drug firm that has been in existence
over six hundred years. He is a man of excellent standing and was
deeply interested in securing a permit for importing our goods. I
think his idea really is that our interests might be furthered by
application to the Austrian ambassador in Washington—of course,
necessarily, through the State Department. I assume, however, that
this is simply a question of procedure, and that the proper action
has been taken in transmitting the matter to the American embassy in
Thanking you, etc.,
A. B. Schanz,
Secretary Sterling Remedy