Mr. Hart to Mr. Hay.

No. 573.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose copy and translation of a letter from Roberto Beck, a citizen of the Swiss Republic, doing business in Colombia and claiming the protection of this legation.

Some time ago Beck came to this legation asking advice as to the purchase of mules which, he said, he needed to transport coffee. I told him the question was one of business, which he would have to [Page 290] resolve for himself. He replied that he understood the risks and would purchase the mules; from which it appeared that the legation could not serve him in the matter of advice.

Since the taking of Beck’s mules I have done what I could to aid him by the use of good offices, and it appears that my inability to accomplish the impossible has displeased him. * * * I required him to come to the legation for his papers and to give me a receipt for them.

I am, etc.,

Chas. Burdett Hart.

Mr. Beck to Mr. Hart.

Mr. Minister: Two months ago, on the 18th of December of last year, I had the honor to address myself to your honorable legation, in order to seek protection for my own interests and those of foreign houses, which have been affected by the armed forces of the one and other of the two parties fighting in this country.

Already since June 23 of the same year and with the same object I had applied to your legation, without having reached any result, with notable injury to the interests which I represent and which, belonging to individuals, neutral as I am, ought to be assisted with due protection.

Only three days ago a new attack was made on my property. An armed force throwing down the gate and breaking the lock, entered a field of the hacienda of “El Guasimal,” in Tena, where I had 56 beasts, and took them to La Mesa by order of an officer, Ampudia, in the service of the Government.

Mr. Minister has signified to me, verbally, that it has not been possible for him to obtain an audience of the minister of war of Colombia to speak about the protection which I have asked for as a foreigner and neutral, and this said circumstance is sufficient reason of itself why I should not insist with that honorable legation about that matter, for if the diplomatic minister of the American nation in Colombia can not succeed in being favored with an interview with one of the members of the cabinet, it must be believed that if the opportunity presented itself to have his petitions granted they would be indefinitely deferred.

For this reason, to avoid greater damages to the foreign interests which I represent and in order that the said property shall not continue to be at the will of the first person who may wish to take them, simply because he commands an armed force, I am obliged, with regret, to ask Mr. Minister to return to me, with the bearer of this communication, the documents which I have placed in your hands relating to these affairs, in order to send them to Washington with a copy of my correspondence with your legation, with the object of asking for the direct protection of that Government now that it has not been possible for the minister, whose good will I am pleased to recognize, to obtain it.

Roberto Beck.