Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay.

No. 1121.]

Sir: I have the honor to confirm Department’s telegram of October 10 concerning the death of Viceroy Liu K’un-yi, and to report that its contents have been conveyed to the Chinese Government as directed, and a reply received, copies of which communications are inclosed.

I nave, etc.,

E. H. Conger.
[Inclosure 1.]

Mr. Conger to Prince Chi’ng.

Your Highness: I have the honor to inform your highness that I have just received telegraphic instructions from the Secretary of State at Washington, directing me to convey to the Imperial Government the assurance of my Government’s sincere sympathy in the loss sustained by China through the death of so worthy and capable a public official as the late viceroy of the Liang Kiang, His Excellency Liu K’un-yi.

In complying with these instructions, I avail, etc.,

E. H. Conger.
[Inclosure 2.]

Prince Chi’ng to Mr. Conger.

We have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your excellency’s note, saying that you had had a telegram from the State Department at Washington, expressing the deep sympathy of your Government on learning of the death of his excellency the superintendent of trade for the south, the Viceroy Liu K’un-yi, which telegram your excellency, as instructed, had had translated and which you transmitted for our information, etc.

On receiving and reading your excellency’s note and learning that your honorable Government had sent a special telegram to convey its regret on hearing the death of his excellency the superintendent of trade for the south, the Viceroy Liu K’un-yi, we, prince and ministers, have been filled with gratitude (for such a distinguished mark of friendship. We therefore send this note to your excellency in reply, hoping that you will inform the State Department of your honorable country of its contents.

In sending this reply we avail, etc.

Cards inclosed.